Sea Salted Caramels

Hello everyone I’m so truly sorry for not posting in over a week and a half. Its those gold standard of Scottish education Highers that are killing me within. I have this post for you this evening, and apologies for the rather terrible layout of the posts I just bought my new laptop yesterday. The Microsoft surface pro 3, so far its excellent and superbly fast. This post features a recipe I received from a friend of mine who blogs in France. These salted caramels are among the best I have ever tried, extremely chewy and smooth on the palette. I have a real true love for the salty/sweet combo, whether it be sweet and salty peanuts dusted with chilli or salted caramel in general.

I like to imagine at some point in my life I will be sitting in a Brittany café sipping elderflower presse and eating Brittany sea salted caramels. Of course this is all just an ideology but bring a tray of these out on a cool September evening after dinner and absorb the last of the rays of amber sunlight chewing on smooth buttery, creamy candies.


175g golden syrup

100ml water

600g caster sugar

225g unsalted butter

450ml whipping cream

Fleur de Sel For sprinkling


Put the water, sugar and golden syrup into a saucepan (large) and I mean large. It will bubble over if the pan is to small.

Bring to a boil over a high heat. When the boil is achieved add the butter and cream and stand back. (avoid a facial at 121°C at all costs).

Let it come to the boil again and then reduce the heat to a medium low and stick in a sugar thermometer and let the caramel reach 121°c. Do not be under this or over you want it exact.

Whilst the caramel is reaching this temperature, oil and line a brownie pan.

When the caramel reaches the required temperature pour straight into the tin.

Leave to set for 1 minute, then sprinkle on some Maldon sea salt or fleur de sel.

Now leave to set fully out of the fridge overnight or you may be able to eat then 4-5 hours later.

Thanks for reading,



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